Presentation on trends in health consumption in Asia

On October 11 at The Policy Dialogue of Asian Parliamentarians and Experts on Aging, an event organized in Kuala Lumpur by the Forum of Asian Parliamentarians on Population and Development and supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), our researcher Rikiya Matsukura made a presentation for the participating parliamentarians on the effects of population aging and measures for dealing with them, conveying the latest results of our research on health consumption. Our results indicate that one of the prominent traits of Asia is that in it the changes in the cost due to age structural transformations are not solely an issue related to the elderly, but that a lot of resources have also been directed at children. Health consumption on the continent is increasingly switching from the private to the public domain, and our research suggests that this trend, that will be continuing in the future, will no doubt become a major policy issue in developing Asian countries.